DC-DC converters are critical to the ongoing transition toward More Electric Aircraft (MEA), where electric solutions replace hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

DC-DC converters are critical to the ongoing transition toward More Electric Aircraft (MEA), where electric solutions replace hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
The design of complex, high-power DC-to-DC converter architectures poses some challenges to engineers developing aerospace and military-grade power systems.
GAIA Converter is expanding its range of high reliability and industrial grade wide-input DC-DC converters for rail applications to meet the needs of rapidly-evolving railway infrastructure.
Die Reduzierung des auf den Eingangsleitungen von DC/DC-Schaltnetzteilen erzeugten Rauschens ist notwendig, um die Normen für EMI in militärischen Anwendungen zu erfüllen….
The design of complex, high-power DC-to-DC converter architectures poses some challenges to engineers devel-oping aerospace and military grade power systems. DC-DC converters must comply with multiple standards and stringent requirements in terms of input voltage…
DC-DC converters used in onboard rail applications must meet challenging electrical supply and environmental specifications. The widespread adoption of the European Train Control System (ETCS) at the heart of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is setting new, more stringent requirements for power conversion devices….
Switching DC/DC converters in military applications must meet stringent standards for limits on conducted input noise emissions, and they typically require input filter networks for compliance…
Switching DC/DC converters in military applications must meet stringent standards for limits on conducted input noise emissions, and they typically require input filter networks for compliance…
GAIA Converter has released 3 new families of ultra-wide input voltage range DC/DC converters. The novelty about them is the 3 KVrms re-inforced isolation targeting Railway, Transportation & High-end industrial applications. In other words, two isolation barriers from input to output…
Złożoność systemów zasilania w branży kolejowej polega na mnogości linii wejściowych prądu stałego. Każdy kraj definiuje własne napięcie obwodu wejściowego w zakresie od 12,0V DC do 125V DC…