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Dessert fight armored tank on a run down city
Modular power brings resilience features to defence and aerospace
Designers working in defence and aerospace are seeing increasing pressure to work on faster design cycles...
Design discipline wards off obsolescence
As a fast-moving sector engaged in a strategy of continuous optimisation of design and manufacture, the...
Meeting the power needs of intelligent munitions
Gaia Converter has expanded its military and aerospace power systems offerings with the PSDG-48 series...
Electronics for U - Military And Aerospace Power Supplies
Gaia Converter has expanded its military and aerospace power systems offerings with the PSDG-48 series...
article vetronics
DC-DC Conversion for Auxiliary Power in Hi-Rel Military Vetronics Applications
Increasingly, military vehicles are provisioned with electronics for control, communications, navigation...
With its DNA in avionics, GAIA Converter is leading the charge in providing OEMs worldwide with high-reliability...
best brand of electronics
Best brands of electronics - INTERVIEW mit John Imaz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Gaia Converter ist ein Marktführer im Bereich hochzuverlässiger Stromversorgungen. Wir sprachen mit John...
Milan Train Station
Meeting Rail Equipment Power Challenges with Wide-Input Modular DC-DC Converters
DC-DC converters used in onboard rail applications must meet challenging electrical supply and environmental...
Pilot's hand accelerating on the throttle in  a commercial airliner airplane flight cockpit during takeoff
Enabling aircraft electrification to take off with efficient three-phase power conversion
Aircraft control and auxiliary functions have always incorporated a mix of technologies.
Controlling Conducted Noise in Military-Grade DC-DC Switching Power Supplies using Multiphase Synchronisation Techniques
Switching DC-DC converters in military applications must meet stringent standards for limits on conducted...