Gaia Converter offers a complete line of isolated DC/DC converters for military, avionics, rail and other hi-rel applications…

Gaia Converter offers a complete line of isolated DC/DC converters for military, avionics, rail and other hi-rel applications…
Gaia’s Converter Hold Up products provide a state-of-the-art solution to the problem of maintaining electronic system operation during input bus power drop-out. Usually this approach uses very large capacitors charged at the voltage at which power fails…
Gaia’s Converter Hold Up products provide a state-of-the-art solution to the problem of maintaining electronic system operation during input bus power drop-out. Usually this approach uses very large capacitors charged at the voltage at which power fails…
Gaia Converter introduces its GRD-40 Series and the Gpack-800 Series configurable military grade C.O.T.S power supplies…
Gaia Converter introduces its GRD-40 Series and the Gpack-800 Series configurable military grade C.O.T.S power supplies…
This paper exposes the analysis, modeling and comparison of two different LLC converter configurations: the conventional LLC converter and the Three-Phase Y−Δ LLC converter, which is firstly analyzed in this paper…
Złożoność systemów zasilania w branży kolejowej polega na mnogości linii wejściowych prądu stałego. Każdy kraj definiuje własne napięcie obwodu wejściowego w zakresie od 12,0V DC do 125V DC…
GAIA Converter in collaboration with Universidad Politecnica de Madrid has developed an optimal DC-DC converter design for More Electric Aircraft (MEA) with over 96% efficiency. The design meets stringent MEA specifications while providing a wide input voltage and output power range, high power-density and narrow frequency variations…
Die neue MGRDI-Serie von Gaia Converter im Leistungsbereich von 20 bis 80 W wurde speziell mit einem Eingangsspannungsbereich von 12 bis 160 V entwickelt…
The MPGS-14 is a non-isolated buck type point of load (PoL) power module with an ultra wide input voltage range of 4.75 – 36 volts.