Simplifying your future
Ultra Wide 8:1 Input POL DC/DC Meets Hi-Rel Specifications
Newsletter – May 2022

Ultra Wide 8:1 Input POL DC/DC
Meets Hi-Rel Specifications

The MPGS-14 is a non-isolated buck type point of load (PoL) power module with an ultra wide input voltage range of 4.75 – 36 volts.
The MPGS-14 is designed for use in local voltage conversion and can be used alone or in conjunction with isolated DC/DC converters as part of a highly efficient, distributed power system.

High-Rel Grade DC-DC modules are
designed specifically to meet key
Avionics/Defense performance
specifications for bus input compatibility,
EMI/RFI requirements, severe
environments and operating temperatures
of -40°C to +105°C (-55°C also available).
This line of products satisfies the
Department of Defense for Non
Development Items (NDI) and
Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)